La soluzione Cedac
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The Hackathon was hold in Torino at the i3P Incubator of Polictecnico, it was a great success with 115 participants from all over Italy, 30 submitted ideas, and 14 projects who were selected for the Hackathon.
Hiris showed how a wearable device can be used to control the smart home devices by using simple hand gestures, the project was developed by 3 italian startups – Apio, Circle Garage, and SpotSoftware? – that during the event decided to work together to this project.
The best runner up project was instead Smart Tips that presented a gamification approach to the energy saving.
Third prize was won by NED, a Non Intrusive Load Monitoring system from Midori?.
The panel of judges had a very tough job to select these 3 winners as all 14 projects developed an high quality prototype and business idea.
All the pitches are available at this link
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