La soluzione Cedac
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The increasing attention of the international community towards environmental issues requires a real commitment on the part of all parties, individuals and society, to ensure a development that reduce the negative effects on nature and man.
Even Cedac Software S.r.l. In this context, wants to be an active player and believes that its Environmental Policy constitutes the key element in defining their addresses and commitments to the environment.
Going for market competitiveness, means to distinguish their products in terms of quality and respect for the environment by seeking such differentiation in productive activities and in activities related to the production process in order to minimize any negative impact to the environment such as the presence of hazardous agents in the products subject to the requirements of the law or indirect aspects of production that can involve suppliers.
The principles by which the General Directorate of Cedac Software Srl intends to implement and comply with their commitments are:
Compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and mandatory regulations or subscribed voluntarily;
Continuous improvement is understood as finding the right balance between environmental impact and economic growth;
Environmental protection, pollution prevention and seen as not only as a corrective action for the elimination of non-compliance to the rear or mere legislative adjustment;
Open collaboration with customers, suppliers, local authorities, Control Authority and Social Components for the management of issues related to environmental impacts and land conservation.
To deliver on these commitments and implement the General Directorate of Cedac Software Srl has implemented an Environmental Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001, 2004 Edition, as a tool that must be used and maintained effectively in order to:
Define and identify responsibilities and procedures to ensure adequate management of environmental aspects related to its activities;
Make available more resources possible, the best technology available and the most appropriate expertise;
Locate and secure control of environmental impacts determined by its activities;
Minimize the consumption of energy and materials and the production of waste at the same time, encouraging the recovery where possible;
Replace, if possible, the products are dangerous to health and the environment by identifying eco-friendly alternatives;
Improve efficiency by identifying environmental indicators and setting targets, programs and targets for environmental improvement;
Increase staff awareness on environmental issues through programs of education and training;
Ensure environmental policies and the Environmental Management System that have occurred eg periodically to prevent any possible deviation due to organizational changes, process, product, legislative and technological.
The strategic line of Cedac Software S.r.l. translates into a focused set of programs, environmental objectives and targets set annually and consistently addresses with improvements by the General Committee at the time of the reviews for the business management of the Environment.
The General Directorate has identified RSGA its representative to whom is given the authority and responsibility to take any action for the prevention, control and correction required to implement and pursue this policy.
RSGA is also delegated to:
Identify, monitor and update the impacts generated by the company;
Spreading and understanding at all levels of business, with educational programs and training, Policies for the Environment, programs, objectives and targets so that everyone is aware and actively participate;
Monitor and verify the progress of the programs and the pursuit of the objectives and targets set to provide new directions for improvement to the General Management.
The Directorate General of Cedac Software S.r.l. is certain that this message, launched himself and all employees, will be picked up with the right spirit, because believing in this project and pursue it is already in itself an ambitious goal.
Castiglione dei Pepoli, June 10, 2006
The Directorate General